Nonprofit Council Workshop - Guests Welcome
The objective of this session is to help organizations increase their understanding of the importance of planning, prioritization, visioning, and consensus building; increase their ability to implement and track specific strategic and tactical priorities and accomplishments; increase morale and organizational buy-in resulting from plan creation and implementation; and increase their ability to articulate organizational value and brand.
The Power of Appreciative Inquiry in Organizational Planning
Session Description:
This highly interactive presentation will immerse participants in Collaborative Labs’ Strength-Based Approach to Strategic Planning & Implementation utilizing the Appreciative Inquiry 4-D Model. Participants will be introduced to Strategic Planning Tips and Tools that can be used to create an Ideal Vision, Brand and Strategic Direction, ensuring full membership engagement and accountability for the implementation of a high-impact plan to increase business successes.
Learner Outcomes:
· Equip members with a strategic planning toolkit that works.
· Learn about tools that will increase organizational success.
· How to focus on strengths and successes to build the organization.
· How to breakdown strategic buckets and complete action planning.
Laurie Hill, Business Development Manager for the Collaborative Labs at St. Petersburg College
Laurie joined the Collaborative Labs in January of 2016 and leverages her extensive marketing and business management experience to help match clients to the Collaborative Labs products and services. Laurie has worked in marketing and sales for more than 35 years in both the secular and faith-based workplace. Her work has encompassed Marketing and C-Suite for multiple industries within Private Sector and Non-Profit within the Tampa Bay area as well as ownership of multiple small businesses. Laurie excels in using her business acumen and active listening skills to demonstrate the possible outcomes a client can achieve to reach their organizational goals.

Date and Time
Thursday Jan 16, 2025
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM EST
Florida Sheriff Youth Ranch
3180 Enterprise Rd E
Safety Harbor
Drive all the way up to the larger building at the back of the property. Parking is available close to the children's playground.