REQUESTED BY: Josh M. Stefancic, City Manager Carol Stricklin, AICP, Community Development Director
SUMMARY The City Commission hosted a goal setting workshop on May 6, 2024, to discuss and review the status of prior period goals and establish new goals for the next two years. The purpose of the workshop was to seek City Commission direction on goals for 2025-2026. City Commission Goal 2024-5, Increase/Update Community Development Elements, included the objective of updating the Land Development Code. The following item was discussed at that time: adding childcare in the M-1 area as an accessory use. Since then, other discussions have been held related to updating the Land Development Code. The City Manager is currently working to schedule a Land Development Code Amendment Work Session with the City Commission. The City Manager and Community Development Director propose the following agenda items to be discussed at the upcoming workshop:
- Adding childcare to M-1 as an accessory use
- Alleyway improvements and maintenance requirements
- Balcony and porch setback requirements clarification
- Review of Wet Zone regulations
- Review of specific development standards in Community Redevelopment Zoning Districts including: Destination Resort development standards; landscape buffer standards
- Food truck schedule and regulation updates
- Provide for accessory retail food sales in SC-2 district
- Various updates to tree ordinance; adjust protected tree species list; define boundary trees; review fee in lieu provisions.

Date and Time
Monday Feb 24, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
Safety Harbor City Hall
750 Main St
Safety Harbor
Contact Information
Carol Stricklin
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